Yes, you read that title right. There are some things I will actually miss about pregnancy. I know, I surprised myself with that one! I always thought I would hate pregnancy. The way it is described and the way it looks just seems absolutely miserable! Now don't get me wrong - I would not say that I like being pregnant more than not being pregnant - but since most people only talk about the negative aspects of pregnancy I thought I would shed some light on some of the good things about being pregnant.
People are nicer to pregnant people. Maybe this is just in my own experience, but I seriously feel this way. Ever since I have been showing I have more people smile at me. I have more people opening doors for me. I have people letting me go in front of them in line. In general people are just so much nicer. I have noticed that once the baby is out, the way people treat you is based on how "good" your baby is. If you have a little one that sleeps and coos all the time, the nice behavior keeps up. But if you have a fussy one you get glared at. I suppose we will see how this plays out when the baby arrives, but for now I'll just enjoy the kindness of people.
Body Confidence. I have never been so comfortable in my own skin. I think it's because when I gain weight, I typically gain it in my belly. Being pregnant I am supposed to gain weight in my belly AND everyone thinks it's cute! I have had people stop me and tell me that my legs are skinner now that I'm pregnant. I tell them it's just in comparison to my huge belly, but they swear I have actually lost some weight in my legs - REALLY?? I also have people telling me all the time how good I look. No one EVER did that when I was not pregnant. I tell people how far along I am and they are like, "No way!" I think this may go along with the people being nice to pregnant people, but I'll take it!
Food tastes better. Seriously, I never knew about this! I mean I have always loved to eat, but never so much as I have since I have been pregnant. Now that my pregnancy is winding down I keep telling Matt that I want to get (fill in the blank with a food) one more time before I'm not pregnant anymore. Only thing I can assume is that it has something to do with the heightened sense of smell during pregnancy.
Kicks are cool. I always thought I would HATE the feeling of a baby moving around inside me. From what other people have said to me, it just always seemed like it would be more annoying than cool. I had even heard that they hurt once you get to the third trimester. Well, not only have I absolutely LOVED every time I have felt the baby kick, but the third trimester kicks are actually my favorites! I do have to say that the baby has not woken me up from sleep with his/her kicks so that may have something to do with it (I'm a VERY deep sleeper) but I just think it is so cool to actually feel the little limbs inside of me.
So as I anxiously await the end of this pregnancy I thought it would be good to remember the things that I actually liked about being pregnant. Meara or Alex, it has been a (surprisingly) wonderful 9 months with you inside me. I can't wait to meet you on the outside and see your beautiful face! Not much longer now!
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