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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

41 Weeks

As I write this post, I am sitting in a hospital bed hooked up to pitocin.  Apparently we have a stubborn little baby in there that needs some help coming out!  Anyway I have made it to 41 weeks.  The emails I get from now speak of my 1 week old baby.  If that's not rubbing salt in the wound I don't know what is.  Anyway though I will be updating this blog again soon with the news of Meara or Alex's arrival which is super exciting!

We had a bit of a nerve racking weekend anticipating the baby's arrival.  There was a full moon on Friday morning so on Thursday night we went out to dinner hoping that it would be our last night out and that the full moon would kick me into labor.  No such luck!  We both woke up Friday morning and went to work like normal.  I was exhausted after work and took a nap and Matt got home late from work, so that night we just stayed in and watched Tropic Thunder.  Saturday was my official due date.  We had NO PLANS AT ALL!  I was so bored!  I wanted to do something, anything to get my mind off the fact that I was still pregnant.  Matt was in the basement downloading some songs for a party he would like to have in the future.  I went down there and was apparently bothering him because he said, "Why don't you go have a baby . , ."  After some laughter I started looking up some '90s songs that I would like added to his list (the party he wants to have soon is a '90s themed party - a "mixer") and we ended up laughing and reminiscing about high school.  It was nice and took our minds off the situation at hand.

Later that night we were supposed to go out to dinner with Elizabeth and Jason but that plan got cancelled so my parents took us out to Cunettos.  TMI alert, but I thought it would be worth mentioning -we just happened to sit at the same exact table as we sat the night the baby was made!  I (mistakenly) took that as a good sign.  Upon Frank Cunetto's suggestion I ordered something with a lot of garlic - not that it did anything to get this stubborn baby out!  After dinner we went to Ted Drewes and then went home and went to bed. 

We unfortunately got some bad news over the weekend.  Matt's grandpa had another stroke.  So on Sunday morning, we decided to stop by the nursing home to visit him.  His speech is even worse than before, but you could definitely see him light up when he saw Matt and me.  We told him we'd bring the baby by to see him as soon as we could.  After that we went to mass and then went home to watch the Women's World Cup Game.  It was a nice relaxing afternoon.  For Family Night, Matt, mom, dad and I just went to Steak 'n Shake and then we met Boris and his family at Ted Drewes.  Yes, we went 2 nights in a row.  I decided that as long as I'm overdue I would like to have a treat every night!  Speaking of treats, I have still been enjoying my hot fudge sundaes.  This is how I have been eating them lately (using my belly like a table):
Matt and I thought it would be fun to try to balance the ice cream on my belly standing up.  Yes, these are the crazy things we do these days - haha!  


Monday and Tuesday were a bit rough for me knowing that Wednesday was the day.  I was feeling very anxious the entire time.  Tuesday night we went out to dinner with Elizabeth and Jason at El Maguey.  It sounded like a good idea at the time, but in hindsight, going to a Mexican restaurant with 3 people drinking margaritas and feeling no pain was not the best choice for a girl who was anxiously awaiting an induction the next day.  We did end up having a nice evening, but I was definitely a little too uptight to really enjoy myself.  After dinner I was able to talk them into Cold Stone Creamery.  It was yummy!

That leads us to today.  I'll write it all up in a birth story at a later date.  Currently I'm just hanging out in the hospital on a pitocin drip.  Dr. Bale just stopped by and broke my water, so here we go!

Oh, and here are my last belly shots.  41 Weeks Pregnant:

So there we are.  This is my last pregnancy post.  The next one will include a picture of the baby!


  1. SO excited! Can't wait to hear! Happy Birthing and know you are in my thoughts and prayers!



  2. All of these pics are WONDERFUL,but I must confess that my very favorite one of them all is the bare belly pic,for you Caitlin have one AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL baby belly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
