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Monday, May 2, 2011

Three Years

I'm finding myself being a great big ball of emotions these days.  The third trimester hormones are making me feel weepy all the time.  I can't help but think back on my marriage and all the difficult things Matt and I have had to deal with the past three years.  The unemployment the first year was hard enough, but then to have to deal with breast cancer the second year was even worse.  I'm not going to get into it now, but sometimes thinking back on the details of our day to day life back then really upsets me.  It was a very rough time for both of us and the toll it took on our marriage was awful!  Thinking back on this terrible time has me extremely weepy. 

As I reflect on it though, I also can't help but realize how blessed we are.  We went through some VERY hard times but right now, things are good.  We recognized that things were not good between us and we worked to make things better (which is what led to the making of the baby ;))  I've mentioned before on this blog that this baby wasn't exactly planned, but I believe that God knows exactly what we need and when we need it.  This baby has been the best gift we could have ever received.

Today is Matt and my 3rd Anniversary.  I look back at pictures of my wedding and think, "If we had known that day what all we'd go through in the next couple years, would we still go through with it?"  My answer is, "In a heartbeat!"  Through all the rough patches, my love for Matt has only grown deeper.  And now we have physical proof of that deep love that we share.  I can't wait to see his/her face. 

In the mean time, here are some pictures from our wedding day.  That day was absolutely perfect - And no one can take that away from us . . .

 Happy 3rd Anniversary Matt!  I love you so much!  I can't wait to meet the little one that our love (and God's love) created. 

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! It was a beautiful wedding! Every marriage has its rough patches, you two just had yours early in the game---you made it thru and just makes the union stronger---and it speaks to the character of you and Matt--what great people you are!! i send my blessings to you three!!! Cynthia
