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Thursday, May 5, 2011

30 Weeks

I am now 30 weeks along.  The baby is now about 15.7 inches long and weighs about 3 pounds.  According to this is about the size of a head of cabbage. also has a new vegetable for this month.  According to them, it is about the size of a squash:

Photo Courtesy of

The big thing going on this week is that the baby's eyesight is continuing to develop.  Although it is developing, the baby's eyesight is still not very good even at birth.  Apparently babies only have about 20/400 vision.  Matt said no wonder babies seem so confused when they first come out.  Not only has the world as they know it changed completely, but everything just looks like big blobs to them.  That WOULD be pretty scary!

Matt and I are doing well.  As I mentioned in my previous post, we celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary on Monday.  It has certainly been a whirlwind of three years, but we are happy.  What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!

We recently found some steaks in our freezer that needed to be eaten so we brought them over to my parents' house for "family day".  My parents surprised us with a fancy dinner set-up with all of their fine china and their crystal wine and water glasses!  It was REALLY nice and a great way to celebrate our anniversary with my parents. 

The next night (on the actual anniversary) we went to The Melting Pot.  They gave Matt a glass of champagne and me a glass of sparkling apple juice as an anniversary gift.  We hadn't been there since my 24th birthday, so it was a nice change and we had a really nice time together.

My mom wanted to take a couple pictures of us on Sunday night so that we would always remember just how pregnant I was on our 3rd anniversary.  So here are a couple pictures of the two of us.  Had we known mom was planning such a fancy dinner, we would have dressed up more.  I'm just glad I didn't change into my sweatpants before heading over there that night!  I almost did . . .

And of course mom also wanted to get a picture of me and my first baby, Sunny.  He always looks so thrilled to be in pictures with his mom:

So we had a really nice time on our 3rd anniversary.  It was our last one without having to get a babysitter in order to go out (although something tells me we won't have any problems finding someone to take our kid(s) in later years!)

On to more pictures.  Here are this week's belly shots.  We forgot to take the pictures after work last night, so we had to take them before work this morning.  That's why my eyes are kinda droopy in these pictures, I had just woken up:

I was going to write about my weekend and my out of control emotions now that I'm in the third trimester, but I think that will just have to wait until next week since now I have to get ready for Cinco de Mayo dinner with Anna and Matt.  But just be prepared for a story about a crazy pregnant lady next week!

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