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Friday, April 1, 2011

25 Weeks

I'm 25 weeks along sometime this week.  Something I forgot to mention in the past weeks is that according to my last ultrasound, my due date has changed.  Dr. Bale originally had me at July 11th and has now changed it to July 16th.  According to my conception date (which I happen to know) I have calculated July 14th.  So basically the baby will most likely come right in the middle of July sometime.  Anyway though, at 25 weeks gestation the baby is about 13.5 inches long and weighs about a pound and a half.  According to this is about the size of a rutabaga.  I'll take their word for it.

Two big things are happening right now with baby's development.  First off, he/she is starting to get fatter and is growing inter his/her wrinkly skin.  Second, baby is starting to grow more hair and if we were to look at it, we may even be able to discern its color and texture.  The baby is now considered viable outside the womb which is pretty cool - although I'm more than happy to carry him/her for 15 more weeks.  I think that would be everyone's preference!

Matt and I continue to keep busy!  We started our registry at Babies 'R Us over the weekend.  We still have a lot of research to do on all the products that are offered (which is EXTREMELY overwhelming by the way) but we have a really good start thanks to Staci!  We would have been lost in that store without her!  Another big development is that we have gotten a few more big things out of the baby's room.  The special trash pick-up we scheduled took away both mattresses and box springs from the two twin beds we had in there.  This weekend we plan to take apart the headboards and bring them over to my parents house.  That should take care of all the big things that needed to be removed.  Once that is complete and we get all the other little stuff cleaned out we will start paining (and by we I mean Matt, Rick and my dad ;))

I saw Dr. Bale yesterday and all is going really well with the baby.  Dr. Bale told me I'm doing a great job!  It always makes me happy to hear that my baby is doing so well.  My blood pressure is good, weight gain has been great and I just got a call that I passed my glucose test!  Woo hoo!  Matt has been making fun of me because I thought my weight gain was way too much.  I am at 25 weeks and I have gained 5 pounds so far.  He thinks that is pretty funny!  For the record, I ONLY think it is too much because all 5 pounds have been put on in the past 4 weeks.  But Dr. Bale said that it is fine, so I guess I am doing alright.  All I know is that this baby is just going to keep getting bigger so I better just get used to gaining weight!  Plus my craving for hot fudge sundaes is increasing so I REALLY better just get used to it!

Okay, so on to this week's pictures:

Anyway, I guess that's about it for now.  I'll post again sometime next week with the latest!

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