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Thursday, April 21, 2011

28 Weeks - AKA Third Trimester

That's right, I've officially made it to the third trimester!  Crazy huh?  This week the baby weighs about 2.25 pounds and measures 14.8 inches head to toe. says that's the size of a Chinese Cabbage.  Interestingly enough, the site also said that the big development in the baby this week is in the eyes.  Of course this led Matt to believe that comparing the baby to a Chinese vegetable and focusing on eye development this week is a shot at his eyes.  I doubt if babycenter takes that much interest in our little family, but ya never know!  Anyway though, this development is that the baby can now open and close his/her eyes and he/she now has eyelashes.  Kinda cool huh?

We did more of the usual this past weekend.  Matt worked on the nursery and I ran errands.  I was lucky enough to get some time to stop by Ann and James's house to see Will.  He is so funny lately and it's making me even more excited to have a child of my own (if that is even possible).  He calls me Aunt CC.  James and Ann have been teaching him about the baby in Ann's belly and he was able to make the connection with me.  He pointed to my belly and said, "CC's baby!"  It was very cute! 

And speaking of CC's baby - here are this week's pictures:

Sometimes I wish I had a video recording of these photo sessions.  Keep in mind this takes us all of 5 minutes (tops) each time we do it, but the things Matt says are hilarious!  Typically it is just him making a comment on how big the belly is getting, but it's pretty funny.  I'll have to start writing down quotes from him after each time.

So as you can see, the baby is getting big!  I am starting to feel a little bit of discomfort.  I know I just need to get used to it since the baby is just gonna keep getting bigger.  For some reason this baby seems to really like it in my upper right side - AKA in my ribs!  Matt was rubbing cocoa butter on me the other night and noticing that the baby was crammed up there (and causing me quite a bit of discomfort) he pushed the baby over to the left a bit.  Well no sooner than he moved the baby, he/she just floated right back in position on my right side in my ribs.  This kid knows what s/he wants!  Like I said, I just have to get used to it!  3 more months to go!


  1. so, James and Ann are going to have another baby! when is she due? you definitely are getting bigger---that babys a growing!!! hugs around! Cynthia

  2. Hi Cynthia!

    Ann and James's baby is coming at the end of July. Ann has a c-section scheduled for July 28th! So assuming all goes as planned, my parents will have 3 grandbabies all with July birthdays. Our family is beyond excited for this summer as I'm sure you can imagine!

  3. Ohhhh Caitlin! You are just too darn cute! All these July babies! So fun!!! I miss you!
