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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

24 Weeks

I'm 24 weeks along now.  The baby is now about a foot long and weighs about 20 ounces.  So for now the baby is long and skinny. says to imagine an ear of corn.  Within the next few weeks baby will be filling out more and more.  Right now the lungs are developing some more and the taste buds are also continuing to develop. 

This past week has not been as eventful for me as past weekends have.  Both Matt and I have been sick.  Let me tell you, being sick is no fun - but being pregnant and sick is even worse.  There is just not much one can take to alleviate the symptoms.  Lucky for Matt he was able to take enough to still enjoy his trip to Las Vegas.  Unfortunately we have both still been feeling bad enough that he hasn't had a chance to tell me much about his trip.  We are starting to feel better and sleep better now so hopefully by the end of this week we will be able to sit down and talk about it.

I went shopping with my mom to get fabric for the baby's room.  We found a great print there and just need to show Norleen what I want to do with it so she can let us know how much fabric to buy.  Other than that, I spent most of my weekend resting and watching basketball (Go Marquette!)

In exciting news, Matt was finally able to feel the baby move!  Each time we sit down to watch tv I have him put his hand on my belly.  Of course that is almost always when the baby is sleeping.  But on Monday night as we sat there with his hand on my belly, I felt a big kick and at the same time Matt really perked up.  I looked at him and said, "You felt that, didn't you?"  He just smiled and said, "Well I guess there really is something in there.  You aren't just using this as an excuse to eat Hot Fudge Sundaes and really let yourself go huh?"  It was quite exciting!  I'm glad he finally got to feel it.

On to this week's belly shots:

I'm noticing that this larger belly is starting to make my legs look skinnier.  I'll take what I can get!

This weekend we plan to go register.  To my knowledge, my first baby shower won't be until the end of May, but time keeps creeping away from us!  Plus my good friend Staci said she would help us which is AWESOME!  Thanks Staci!  So that's the plan for this weekend.  Hopefully nursery work will get going soon too!


  1. your baby bump is so cute!! Isn't it so awesome when you start really feeling the baby kick and move? course at 9 months some of those kicks can wake you from a sound sleep!!! happy Matt finally got to feel the baby kick! much love and happiness to all three of you!

  2. Everytime I see your photos I feel like the expectant motherly glow has grown brighter :) I'm really enjoying reading these updates. Setting up the nursery sounds like so much fun. I'm glad you guys are enjoying the journey.
