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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Declan - 12 Months Old

(July 16 - August 15)


You are 1 YEAR OLD now!  I can hardly believe how fast that year went by!  We had a fabulous month to round out your first year.

As I mentioned in your last post, you and I had to take a little breast feeding break.  I still had plenty of breast milk to give you, you just couldn't take it, as dad would say, directly from the tap.  So lucky for me, I had your big brother to help.  He was thrilled to be able to feed you, and you loved the attention from big brother:

Speaking of attention from big brother, you are just loving spending time with Alex.  He likes to help you walk:

And you guys just love taking a bath with each other:

I have no idea what Alex was saying to you in that video, but you seemed to enjoy it!

As much as you love Alex, you also like to have your time without him.  You love it when you get up from your nap earlier than him and you are allowed to play with his toys and play in his chair without him getting upset with you.

We celebrated your brother's birthday this month.  It was so much fun!  We started out with breakfast at Bread Co.  You had your very first egg souffle.  You really liked it!

After breakfast, we headed to the Zoo.  You enjoyed yourself for a very short time while we were there but unfortunately we were right in the middle of your morning nap time, so you mostly just slept in the stroller:

No worries about the snooze though, because you were raring to go when we headed out to Adriana's after the Zoo.  You had your first real taste of Adriana's (as opposed to what you got while in utero and through my breast milk).  You loved the pizza there and you even out ate your big brother!

The next day, we celebrated Alex's birthday at our house with a party.  You loved the party!  You ate pasta like it was your job.  Your Aunt Ann was shocked that you actually finished everything I put on your tray and that you asked for more!

You weren't too sure about everyone singing Happy Birthday to your brother, but you certainly enjoyed eating the cake!

It was a very fun birthday for your brother!

We also celebrated your Gram's birthday this month.  We went to the Museum of Transportation.  It was a VERY hot day on Gram's birthday, but we made the most of it.  We walked around and looked at all the trains and when it got too hot we just headed inside to see the cars.  Gram really enjoyed her birthday!

Another fun thing we did this month is go to Frisco Friday and the Frisco Train Store.  We went with your friends Braden and Cate.  You had a blast and were finally able to actually partake in the cookie part of the event.  You loved the cookie and your face showed it!

After the train store, we headed out for some Frozen Yogurt.  It was a beautiful night and you guys had fun eating your yogurt and running around outside.  We even managed to snap one picture of the 4 of you:

We have been spending a lot of time with Braden and Cate lately.  We went to their house for dinner one night and you were able to join the kids at the kids table.

Aunt E took us all swimming one day this summer.  It was your first time in a big pool.  You really liked the feeling of the water.  Your brother was scared to go in the deeper water even with mom, but you liked the feeling of floating through the water as mom held onto your hands.

You also really liked the slushie we shared.  I must say, mom did not get much of it, so it is a bit ironic that the only picture Aunt E took was of ME drinking it, lol!

Finally, a couple days before your birthday, we celebrated all the August birthdays at a winery.  Grandma Gerry made sure you would have enough to do and brought your whole activity center.  We also ran around and threw balls back and forth.  It was a great day!

We took you to the doctor for your 1 year well baby check and here were your stats:

Weight:  20lbs 6oz (8th percentile)
Height: 28.5" (12th Percentile)
Head Circumference: 17.5" (7th percentile)

You are such a sweet little guy, Declan!  I am so proud to be called your mommy.  You are doing so much to make us so happy.  You are saying some words right now, most of them are only legible to those of us who know you well, but you say momma, dada, ball, balloon, bye-bye and you meow like a cat:

You also clap on demand and raise your arms up when we ask you to (or say we are going over a bridge).  You are such a happy person and you are the life of the party.  Everyone always wants to be around you.  I love you so much my sweet Declan!  Here are your 1 year pictures!

You really hated this hat!

That's all for this month.  My next post will be dedicated specifically to your birthday celebrations!

I love you Little Britches!



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