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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Alexander's 3rd Birthday


We had a wonderful 3rd Birthday weekend for you!  We started it off on Saturday the 19th in the usual manner.  Dad likes tradition, so he thought we'd do what we do every year for your birthday.  So we started off with Bread Co. for breakfast.  We ordered you a chocolate chip muffie even though you told us you didn't like muffies.  We told you that you do like muffies and you were shocked when you did indeed like the muffie.  Yum, yum!

After breakfast, we headed out to the Zoo.  You made sure to put your hands up over every single bridge on the way there:

Since you are so into the Jungle Book this year, our trip to the Zoo wasn't to see snakes, orangutans, tigers, panthers, and bears . . . it was to see Kaa, Cousin Louie, Shere Khan, Bagheera and Baloo.  It was so much fun going to see each animal and seeing your reaction based on the Jungle Book character.
Here you are with "Kaa"

Dad told you to give "Kaa" a hug, silly Daddy!

It was a hot day as it was the middle of July in St. Louis, so they had all the fans going at the Zoo, blowing mist.  You just LOVED that this year!  Every time you saw one you would run toward it and just hang out a while and let it mist you.

We had such a fun day at the Zoo with you for your 3rd birthday!  Our only regret is that we didn't have time to go to the Children's Zoo to take a picture of you by the growth chart.  Bummer!

After a fun morning at the Zoo, we went (where else?) to Adriana's!  You and Declan enjoyed a pizza together while dad and I had our yummy sandwiches.

We had a great morning and early afternoon together, but we had to rest up because the next day was your actual birthday, and boy did we have a fun day planned!

We woke you up in the usual way, playing the Beatles Birthday Song with a camera in your face.  You were a little out of it at first, but once you picked up on the fact that it was your birthday, the smiles and the silliness started:

Right after this video you grabbed your Alex crown and smiled:

While daddy took care of a few things at home, you and I went to the party store to pick up your balloons.  You were so excited to get birthday balloons - I may have bought you a few pieces of candy as well . . .

Once the balloons were at the house we asked you what you wanted to do.  And of course you picked your very favorite place . . .  The Water Park (aka Sylvan Springs Spray Pool).  We had a great time splashing around in the water.  And of course we still couldn't get you to keep you swim trunks on:

After the water park, we went to your other favorite place . . . the snow cone stand!  That was so much fun, because we told the lady that it was your birthday, and she let you come inside the stand and help make your own snow cone.  You were so excited and you talked about this for days afterward:

It had already been a great birthday and it was just getting started.  After our snow cones, we headed back home so you and brother could take a nap while dad and I got everything ready for your party.  Just a couple hours later, your guests started showing up and you emerged from your room.  You were very excited about the Jungle Book Cake mommy made for you and you were so excited to see your cousin Alyssa and your aunts, uncles, and grandmas and grandpas.

You weren't so sure about the way everyone was singing Happy Birthday to you, but you blew out the candle anyway.  And you really enjoyed your cake!

After the cake, you opened all your presents, played with them for a while, thanked and said good-bye to all your guests.

What a wonderful 3rd Birthday!

After everyone was gone, you had to go to bed.  You were so tired from the long, fun weekend you had, but you were not quite ready to go to bed yet.  After we put you to bed, we heard your whistle blowing and you were in your bed with your conductor hat on blowing your train whistle.  It was the perfect way to say good night to your 3rd birthday!

Alex, we are so very blessed to have such a sweet and caring little boy in our lives.  July 20th will always be a special day to your dad and I because it is the day that God gave us the best gift ever . . . you!  We love you so much Pot Pot!



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