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Friday, June 17, 2011

36 Weeks

One more month to go!  According to, the baby is about 6 pounds now and over 18.5 inches long.  This is the size of a crenshaw melon.  If you are wondering what a crenshaw melon is, so were we!  Here is what Matt said when I forwarded him the email:

I am intrigued by this crenshaw melon action. Almost every week I think, "Our baby sounds tasty!" Let's hope the DCS is not monitoring our emails!

So we still are not quite sure what it is, but we both agree that it sounds delicious!  Right now the baby is shedding most of the hair and vernix that has protected its skin while in utero.  I saw Dr. Bale yesterday and he confirmed that the baby is indeed in a head down position.  Let's hope he/she stays that way!  I'm not dilated yet but my cervix is starting to soften and efface.  So that's exciting!  I see Dr. Bale once a week from now until the baby is born so I will have an update from him with each post now!

I had 2 more baby showers over the weekend.  They were both wonderful!  I have to say, these ladies know what to focus on to keep the preggo happy . . . dessert.  Both showers had AMAZING desserts!  The one on Saturday was thrown by Matt's Aunt Marilyn and sisters Elizabeth and Debbie.  They got cupcakes from Dear Diva Desserts.  It was very cute how they did it.  They had Strawberry cupcakes with pink frosting, Chocolate cupcakes with blue icing and then Hummingbird cupcakes (basically a carrot cake with pineapple in it) with green frosting.  They were amazing!  The shower on Sunday was thrown by my sister, Erin and my sister-in-law, Ann.  They had white, chocolate and carrot cake balls from The Sugar Shack.  Amazing!

As I said, both showers were just lovely and we got a lot of nice things for the baby.  Unfortunately we had a slight issue with Babies 'R Us not taking items off the registry after they were bought, so I got a lot of duplicates.  Luckily though Babies 'R Us has a really good return policy, so mom and I are heading out there tomorrow with all my duplicates to exchange it for some of the things we did not get.  So we are pretty well set for the baby to come!  Just a bit of organizing and some loads of laundry to do and we will be in really good shape!

Here are a few pictures from the shower on Sunday.  It was at Ann's house.  I'm hoping people will send me some more pictures from this shower as well as some people sending me some from the one on Saturday.  Sabrina just sent me some pictures from my first shower as well, so as soon as I get some more I'll put together a post with all the pictures from my wonderful showers!  We are so lucky to have such wonderful family and friends!!!!

In addition to the showers, we have also been spending out time trying to catch up with friends.  Last Friday we had Adam and Katie over to celebrate Adam's 30th birthday.  Matt made some yummy steaks and some broccoli and potatoes and Katie made a delicious cookie cake.  It was a really fun night catching up with them and celebrating.  We even broke out the fine china and the crystal stemware.  Matt always love it when we do that!

We also met up with Anna and Matt on Wednesday.  Each year we go to the Shakespeare Festival with them in Forest Park.  We figured out that this was our 6th year going!  We were shocked to have such a lovely evening for this event this year.  We were actually a tiny bit chilly by the end of the night.  This is just unprecedented in June in St. Louis, but with these pregnancy hormones, I welcomed it!  This year's performance was The Taming of the Shrew.  It was a very cute show and we really enjoyed it.  Here's a picture of Anna and me during intermission.  Per usual with our camera we had a little trouble with the very bright flash, but were able to get one picture with our eyes mostly open.

I have also continued on with my sewing class on Tuesdays.  I am making a bag.  This coming Tuesday is the last class, so I should be able to post some pictures of my work in my next blog post.  The sewing is going okay.  I mean there are some crooked lines as well as some jumbled stitches, but for my first time it's not too bad.  The bag will not be perfect, but it will be functional.

So that was our busy week last week.  This week should be a little more low key, but I guess something always seems to come up.  I know we still have some little tasks to do here and there to get ready for the baby so that will add up I'm sure.  We are looking forward to celebrating Matt's first Father's Day on Sunday.  I have a fun gift that I can't wait to give him!

On to this week's belly photos.  As I was getting into position for this week's pictures, Matt said to me, "You look skinny!"  I really don't know where he was going with that one since I feel the TOTAL opposite of skinny, but I guess I'll take all the compliments I can get!  Here I am at 36 weeks:

Four(ish) weeks to go!  Not too much longer and we will be posting pictures of our baby's sweet face!

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