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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"I'm So Juiced to Have a Kid!"

Anyone who knows us well knows that Matt and I have a very unique relationship.  They may also know that Matt likes to quote TV shows and movies.  Because of this, sometimes the things we say sound insincere even though we both know that we are very sincere.  This has worked out great for the almost 7 years that we have been together.  However, with pregnancy hormones in play, it has not been working out quite as well.  Here is an example:

I say, "I love you Matt."
He says, "And I'm fond of you." (this is from an episode of Family Guy)

Normally I would just laugh at this remark and know that he really meant that he loves me too.  This is one of the ways Matt actually shows his love - through his sense of humor.  However, with the pregnancy hormones flowing through my body, I REALLY need to hear the words - I LOVE YOU.  This has been a source of some tension between us. 

Another example is when I ask him about the baby.  Because this baby was not planned (very much wanted, but definitely not planned) sometimes I need some reassurance that Matt is actually excited about having a baby.  So I sometimes prompt him about this:

Caitlin:  "So Matt, are you excited about the baby?"
Matt: (sarcastically) "Eh, I can take it or leave it."

Now I know he is just being sarcastic when he says this, but again, sometimes a pregnant lady just needs to hear the words. 

So when I confronted Matt with this, the poor guy didn't know what to do.  His natural response to everything is to joke.  As I mentioned above, he likes to use his sense of humor as a sign of love.  So since I told Matt I needed to hear the words, that's pretty much what I got.  As he left every morning he'd kiss me good-bye and say, "I love you, I love the baby."  It IS nice to hear, but it is obvious his heart is not as into it as it was when he said things jokingly.  So of course this confuses the poor guy even more.  Really all I wanted was to hear something, ANYTHING that would prove to me that Matt was REALLY excited about the baby.  I got my desire last weekend.

We went out and Matt had a few cocktails.  I, of course, was driving home and Matt was telling me a story about how he accidentally said some curse words in front of some kids.  I told him he really needs to work on that since we have a child coming into this world soon and they soak up everything like a sponge.  I told him whatever we say our child will say some day.  I suggested he go back to using some of his favorite phrases from Will Ferrell movies (I told you he likes to quote movies!) like, "Son of a bee sting!" and "Mother of Pearl" instead of the obvious alternatives.  He started laughing and said, "Yea, do you think our kid will really say 'Son of a bee sing!'?"  I told him that if he said it enough the child would pick up on it and absolutely use it.  Just the thought of our little kid saying this made him smile and he said, "I'm so juiced to have a kid right now!"

And there it was . . . pure and total excitement about our child!  It was so exciting to see the joy on his face and to hear the excitement in his voice.  Since then Matt has shown many other signs of excitement about the baby.  He has even started talking about when we should start to try for baby #2!  So Matt is REALLY excited about our baby and I don't think I need to question it anymore.  I'm lucky to have such a fun husband.  He's going to be a wonderful daddy! 


  1. I hope it's ok that I follow your blog - I am obsessed with all things baby!

    Congrats to you and Matt! You are in for a wild ride. :o)

  2. Hi Amy, YES you can absolutely follow this blog! I also love babies, so I totally understand. Thanks for taking an interest!

