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Thursday, January 6, 2011


We went to see Dr. Bale again today!  The first thing they did is weigh me in.  Shockingly I LOST 4 pounds since my last visit!  I think this is the first time ever that I have actually lost weight over the holidays!  Matt said that we need to write a book and call it "The Baby Diet."  Of course Dr. Bale asked if I had been nauseous and throwing up, but luckily for me I have not.  I think it has more to do with the fact that I never did lose the weight I gained when I broke my foot.  And now that I'm pregnant, I try to eat more fruits and vegetables.  Anyway, I know this whole "baby diet" will not last for long and soon enough I will be embarrassed to say on here how much weight I have gained.

People have been asking me if I have started showing yet and many have been requesting belly shots.  Well since I have only lost weight, there is not much to show right now.  I AM a little bit bloated, but I know for sure it is just bloat and not baby.  So I WILL take some belly shots as soon as I'm showing, but right now my belly looks pretty uneventful.

Anyway, after I was weighed, Dr. Bale came in the room and brought in the dopplar to hear the heart beat.  He moved the wand all over my abdomin but we couldn't hear anything.  Then he told me he was going to move my uterus forward so that we could have a better chance of hearig it.  The whole time he was pushing around inside of me I was cringing because it was uncomfortable.  I just kept thinking, "Seriously!  Please just get your hand out of there!"  Then we heard it . . . and suddenly I was completely unaware that he even had his hand up there.  It was amazing!  I looked up at Matt and he was smiling big - proud daddy!  It was so cool!  Dr. Bale told us the heart was beating 160 beats per minute which is right in the middle of normal.

After the exam, we went to his office and he talked to us about researching a pediatrician and registering for birthing classes.  We will have the big 20 week ultrasound in early March.  Right now everything looks good.  We are SOOOO excited!

1 comment:

  1. Caitlin and Matt,
    OMG, I am so excited for you two! A baby Vogt! Please keep posting so I can stay updated on this wonderful journey the two of you are now on! Parenthood is the greatest gift God gives us and you two will be the best of parents, I kCnow!!! hugs all around including the little one! Cynthia Alexander
