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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Alexander - 7 Months Old


You are 7 months old now!  You have continued to grow, grow, grow!  At your last doctor's check up, you weighed 18lbs 6.5oz and were 27.25" long.  At another visit to the doctor for an illness, you weighed over 20lbs!!!  You are such a big strong boy!

We had a lot going on this past month.  First of all, you were Baptized on January 22, 2012.  It was a beautiful baptism.  We had it at St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church.  Msgr. Ramacciotti performed the baptism and we chose Aunt E and Uncle James as your Godparents.  You were so good, Msgr. Ramacciotti he told us you get an A for your behavior.  When he poured the water on your head, you didn't cry, you just looked up trying to figure out what was going on up there.  It was so cute and so funny!  After your Baptism we had the whole family over to our house to celebrate.  It was a wonderful day!

A couple weeks after your baptism, we celebrated your first Super Bowl Sunday.  We went over to Kayce and Matt's house and you got to meet their dogs.  You weren't so sure about the large puppy, Ellie, but you loved Gretchen!  You got so excited when you pet her!  The game was the Giants vs. the Patriots and the Giants won.  You had a great time with mom and dad and even "helped" daddy hold his beer.

We also celebrated Poppy's birthday this month.  You and your cousins had a great time together at Poppy's celebration.

You have also been enjoying hanging out with Aunt E.  She has been teaching you Yoga.  You are a pro at the Cobra position.

Next, we celebrated Valentines Day.  You gave your grandparents and aunts and uncles all very adorable Valentines with your picture on them.  Everyone loved them and said they were the best Valentines they had ever received.  Here are the pictures we took of you on Valentines Day:

We have also started to introduce vegetables to you this month.  You were not so sure at first, but now you open your mouth wide in anticipation of the veggies.  You try to grab the spoon from me if I don't feed you fast enough.  Mommy has been having so much fun making you some homemade purees!  So far I have made both peas and squash.  You are still not a fan of the rice cereal.  When I try to feed it to you you close your lips tightly.  So for now we are sticking with the vegetables.  Here you are eating some peas:

(this video is one of the first attempts that didn't go that great.  subsequent tries went MUCH better)

As you see from that picture, we have also introduced a sippy cup.  You pretty much just think it's a toy at this point, but we are working on it with you to show you that there is some yummy juice in there.

Another big developmental milestone this month is that you have started transferring objects from one hand to the other.  You do this with your bug toys, your silver cup and your blocks.  You have also started scooting a bit.  Right now you pretty much only scoot in a circle, but you are able to get to where you want by scooting to a certain position and then rolling over.  You are SO close to actually crawling!  Daddy and I need to start baby proofing the house!  You have also started to wave a little bit.  You don't do it every time, but you definitely do it at the correct time.  When someone says hi or by to you and waves, you put your hand up like an American Indian saying 'How' - then you start moving your arm up and down.

It's awesome!  And finally after a few months of illness you are finally starting to feel better and at last sleep better!!!  This has occurred only at the end of this month, so we are hoping and praying it continues and that you stay healthy.  The good thing is that at least you are building up all your immunities at a young age!

You are such a good boy Alex!  We are so blessed you have you for a son!

Here are your 7 month pictures:

Love you Sugar Pot!




  1. my two favorite things about this post (minus all the awesome pictures):
    1) picture of alex near a non-baby-proofed outlet
    2) the reference to American Indians and not just "Indians" that say "How"
    much love,
    aunty sabria

  2. Sabrina,

    1) Good thing he is not coordinated enough to stick something in there just yet. But as I mentioned above, we need to baby proof soon . . . he's getting more coordinated every day!!!
    2) I was definitely thinking of you when I wrote that about "American Indians". We wouldn't want to confuse that with your kind.

    Oh and Alex wanted me to tell his Aunty Sabrina that he loves her!

  3. ok, 2 things:

    1. Alex is ADORABLE!

    2. You both are hilarious! Bean, I believe you made a similar comment on my blog around Thanksgiving and indeed, I was making sure we knew exactly what kind of "brown people" (As YOU say!) we were talking about: my people or yours. In both instances Caitlin and I were talking about my brown people ;)

    I love you both! (I guess that's #3) :)
