One of the big developments this week is that the baby can now feel ME move. Matt still has not been able to feel the baby move yet, so maybe I need to get it all riled up right when he gets home from work. We'll see if that works. If not, I'm sure it will only be a couple more weeks that he will be able to feel it anyway. The other developement this week is that the baby's hearing is getting better. I have been talking to him/her a bit, but I suppose I will start doing it more now.
We went to the St. Patrick's Day parade downtown this past weekend. It was an absolutely gorgeous day and we ended up having a lot of fun! I forgot my camera, but my sister brought hers so I will post some pictures as soon as I get them from her. Matt and I had a very new experience at the parade. Instead of looking around and saying, "Wow, what a nice float!" Or, "Look at what that guy is wearing . . . hahahaha!" We kept looking at parents and saying, "Hey, check out that stroller! "Oooh, look at that Bjorn!" And of course we had a gem from Matt saying, "We will NEVER do that baby comb over thing to our kid!" Needless to say we have never been so aware of parents and babies before in our life! Matt especially liked seeing the dads wearing the Bjorn. He said to some of the others that were with us, "This year Caitlin is carrying the baby up front. Next year it's gonna be me!" He is quite excited about the Bjorn. As much as I hate to say it, I think I can thank the movie The Hangover for that one!
We have not made much progress on the nursery. We DID pick out paint colors last night, but apparently we picked some difficult colors because they need the paint specialist to come in and mix them for us. So we will pick those up tonight, but Matt is going to Las Vegas this weekend so we will have to wait a while to actually get the paint on the walls. Mom and I plan to go fabric shopping this weekend for pillows, curtains, seat cushions, etc. So while the nursery is not showing any physical progress, we are making SOME. Here are the colors we are thinking about right now. They actually look quite a bit different in real life, but you will get a general idea:

The two aqua (they look bluer on the screen and greener in real life) colors will be put on the walls and the orange color will be used as accent. For the accent I'm thinking of the curtains, seat cushions, pillows and I have a rug picked out too:
We'll see how it all comes together soon enough. I may have to tweak some of my ideas along the way, but this is just what I'm thinking of right now.
Anyway, on to this week's pictures:
Baby is getting big! I could actually SEE him/her move in my belly the other day. I was SO wishing Matt was home since I know he would have felt it for sure. All in due time I suppose. Anyway, I guess that's it for 23 weeks. Matt's heading to Vegas this weekend and the following weekend we will go register. Fun fun!
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