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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Declan - 6 Months Old

My Sweet Declan,

You are 6 months old now and we have had so much fun!  As I mentioned in the last post, you got your helmet this month.  The whole thing has not seemed to even faze you at at all.  But to dad and I, it is really annoying!  You are so chill about it though, that dad and I could really learn a lesson.  You and your brother just love chilling out watching Alex's train movies.  You are doing a cute little army crawl now so you vary between crawling to get one of your toys and taking peeks at the TV.

Your favorite toy right now is your light up rattle that changes colors as you shake it.  Gram got it for you.  You play with your other toys, but as soon as that rattle is present you scoot right over to it.

You also like the camera and phone.  Whenever I have either of them you try to grab them from me.  You do this with people who wear glasses as well.  You are very curious and always want to investigate everything!

You love to interact with Alex.  Alex loves to try to make you laugh and you just eat up the attention from him.  I wish I had a better video of this, but for now here's this at least:

Your brother is really into fire engines right now, so my friend Chuck, who is a firefighter, let us stop by to see his fire engine.  You were pretty nonchalant about the whole thing, but we got some pictures of you and your brother.

You have really been enjoying your jumparoo lately.  You spin around and play with all the little toys and bounce like crazy.  Sometimes you have so much fun in that thing that you just can't keep your eyes open anymore.

We celebrated your first Super Bowl Sunday this month.  Last year, we went to Boris's house for a Super Bowl party and that was the day that I started telling everyone you were on the way.  This year we celebrated at Gram and Poppy's house.  You just loved hanging out with Poppy and scooting around on the floor during the game.

We also FINALLY took you for your first visit to Cunettos this month.  Frankie Cunetto was happy to finally meet you.  I'm sure you, like your brother, will love their food when you start eating it.  You had plenty of it while you were inside me, so I'm sure you have already developed a taste for it!  For now though, you just really enjoyed playing with the menus.

We also took you to the Magic House.  This was the first time you played in the baby section of "A Little Bit of Magic."  You loved moving around in the balls and also looking at yourself in the mirrors.  You and your brother also had fun crawling through the tunnels.

The day before you turned 6 months old, we celebrated your first Valentines Day.  You and Alex sent out special Valentines to your grandparents and aunts and uncles.  They all loved the adorable pictures of you guys.  Later that night we went to the Frisco Train Store.  Although you still can't do much there, you are slowly getting more and more interested in it.   You like to look at the electric train that runs above our heads and you like to watch your brother play.  It won't be too much longer till you are running around and playing with your brother.

You are such an amazing baby, Declan!  You are scooting around like a mad man and turning to the side to prop yourself up (not quite in a seated position, but almost).  You are still drooling and chewing on things like crazy, but still no teeth so far.  You have a very sweet nature about you, but you are very curious and always into everything!  You are a wonderful baby Declan.  Here are your 6 month pictures:

I love you so much sweet boy!



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