You are now 3 months old! You are getting so big and doing so many things now. At your 10 week doctor's appointment, you weighed 14 pounds 1.5 ounces and were 24.5 inches long. We had yet another eventful month with you.
We have been having so much fun watching post season baseball. The Cardinals weren't even supposed to make the play-offs this year and yet during this month of your life not only did they go against all odds to become the NL Wild Cards, but they also won the NLDS and the NLCS! I think something special happened to the Cardinals when you were born . . . maybe that's just me though . . .
Either way, you have been having so much fun cheering on the Cardinals with mommy and daddy (Thanks to Vicki for the adorable Cardinals Sleeper!):

You and dad had a great "Man Weekend" together while mommy went to Jackie's Bachelorette Party in Chicago. It was the first time we had been apart more than a couple hours. You did just great and had so much fun with daddy!

Speaking of good times with daddy, we also celebrated his promotion! Daddy has been working so hard lately and it was so nice to see him get some recognition for it. We are so proud of daddy!
Sadly for mommy, I had to go back to work this month. It was so wonderful to be able to spend every minute with you for the first 2 months of your life, but we knew it couldn't last forever. You have adjusted very well and have really enjoyed your time with Chrissy, your babysitter, and with your grandmas. Chrissy says that you really enjoy hanging out with all the older kids at her house. Also, Chrissy's son Tyler is just a couple months older than you, so you will be good buddies growing up! And of course both of your grandmas are just loving their days with you too!
This adjustment has been MUCH harder for me than it has for you, but as a special gift to me you started sleeping through the night this month so that mommy is not too tired at work! Thanks for that my love! I'm really getting used to and have started looking forward to our morning routine. Since you sleep so well now, you have become a total morning person. Another new thing you do this month is you laugh out loud. So first thing in the morning I am greeted at your crib by happy Alex smiles, giggles and coos! Then I pick you up and change your diaper. Then we go back to my bed to eat and snuggle for a bit. I love the sound of your happy suckling while eating, your sigh when you are finished and the sound of your breathing as we lay there snuggling. I could stay that way all day long. After about 15 mins of that we go back to your room and you squeel at your mobile while I pack your bag for the day. I do wish we could just stay together all day long, but I know this is what is best for both of us.
Since mommy is back at work now, we make the most of our weekends and spend as much time together as possible. One weekend we went to the Pumpkin Patch! We had so much fun with you there and you really seemed to enjoy being outside in the fresh air. Here are some pictures of us at Rombach's Farm (thanks to Bridget for the Halloween shirt!):
Another weekend we went to Aunt E's school, Parkway North, homecoming football game. We decked you out in a Parkway North onesie to cheer the team on. You had so much fun at first, but as soon as the band started playing at half time, it was just too much for you. Aunt E and I took you away from the action for a while and then you fell sound asleep in the Moby wrap with Aunt E.
Besides going places outside the home, we have also been having so much fun at home. We took you to physical therapy this month to work on some neck exercises for you since you seem to only want to turn your head to the left. You really enjoyed physical therapy and of course we have continued the exercises at home. With help, you love to roll over back and forth and you love to pull up to a sitting position. You have such a look of accomplishment on your face after you do each of your exercises and it is so much fun to do them with you! You are so strong! I can't wait to see where this next month takes us in your development.
Your 3rd month has been such a wonderful one for us! You have grown so much and have done so many things to make us so happy. We look forward to seeing what you are doing next month! For now, here's what you look like at 3 months old:
Love you Sugar Pie!